
Aug 20, 2013

Shoemaking Online Courses Registration Is Now Open!

Three weeks have passed since my last post and the reason for that is that I was a very busy bee, and this time it's all doing with MAKING SHOES BLOG. Now when my collection is ready and it's on a roll, I am fully committed to you my dear readers.
In my last post I announced that I'm planning an online shoemaking courses, and the feedback that I got from all of you was incredible, you helped me understand what courses are needed, and some of them were way far from my primary plan. Since then I'm tightly working on the courses, and they building up in this massive stream of content that I'm very confident and excited about.
So, here we are three weeks later and I'm super stoked to announce


The schedule for launching online shoemaking courses is September 16 .

Now let me explain how it will work:

* The courses will be divided into two categories:
Beginners and Advanced (all registered users will have access to both categories. )

* The online courses will be held on a new Making Shoes Membership platform ( which is exciting as well).

* There will be 2-3 lessons per week. 8-12 lessons per month.(for each category)

* Lesson length: 45-90 min (each)

* Each lesson includes home assignment

Communication during this courses is very important, as I believe it will help you to learn and integrate it faster with your own work. So each week I'll be posting assignment solutions at the shoemaking & creative community, where you can share your own work and collaborate with each other and me.
As I said before the courses are building up strong . So we already have more than 33 courses that I will produce during the next couple of month. So as you can understand the courses will only grow and get more variety to them .

Here is a sneak peak of courses for the first month for beginners and advanced users. (This is not the actual order of the courses) 

Monthly membership (30 days) for shoemaking courses is 30 euro.
Pre Register list is now open and you will receive the payment invoice soon by email. 


During the next two weeks I will upload more courses that will be held during does two month and beyond. As we are now still in pre production of shoemaking courses, NOW is your time to influence which courses will go first! What is more important to you! What you must know now!

This is what you need to do now to make an impact. 

First you must Register to the course, and then write in the comment below "I just registered and I want the .......... course". 


  1. I registered and would like the advanced course, I think.

  2. I registered and I would like the advanced course please, particularly the sole making and heel construction 😄👍

  3. I registered and I would like the advanced course please, particularly the sole making and heel construction 👍 😊

  4. I just registered and I want the Beginners full course on making ballerinas. I would love to jump straight into the advanced courses as they look so exciting, but I feel I must do the basics first to check I am working correctly, plus there are still a few simple problems I have. eg. Sometimes my centre design line does not always correspond with the centre measurement of some lasts, so I land up with a design that is not in the centre of the shoe vamp when on the foot?? I am obviously doing something wrong!
    By first doing the ballerina course I can check if I am correctly doing all the basic steps throughout, from measuring and designing on the last to the finished shoe.
    P.S. So excited about these courses...cant wait to start!

    1. Great, thanks for registering! As a member you will be able to see the advanced lessons as well, so you can jump in as soon as you feel you are ready!

  5. Hello!
    I just registered and I want the advanced course.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I have been waiting for a long time for you to give a course. I have registered and would like take your beginning class even though I already know how. I would like to learn new techniques from beginning to advance. So happy you are offering this online class. Will this be on our own time as I am extremely busy with trade shows etc etc.

  8. Hi Sveta, I would absolutely love to do your advanced course but just wanted to check whether the courses are a month long or whether the membership fee/course is ongoing?

    Thanks so much for offering these!


    1. Hi Janine,
      The courses will start at Sept 16 and will be ongoing, with 2-3 lessons per week, 8-12 per month. The membership fee is 30 euro monthly, as we have a lot of subjects to cover as from the old school and more innovative approach to shoemaking. We all have families, jobs and life going on, so it was important to me to create platform where people could learn shoemaking in their own time.

    2. Thanks Sveta. I'm not sure I can afford it for more than one month (even though it is very reasonably priced!)... can I join in at a later stage if things are looking up financially?

      Really appreciate your reply and that you're trying to make a platform which suits everybody.


    3. I understand, you will be able to come back later, but please understand that I'm building the courses in linear structure, so that more advanced lessons will rely on previous ones.

  9. Hi, I'm a beginner and I even don't have proper tools yet, so I don't know how I will sew my ballerinas, I know how to sew by hand, and my sewing machine is not for leather, just basic home sewing machine...I hope I will manage to do this course somehow. But I really want to learn the basic first; I will watch all the videos with big eyes and hope I could do it some day.
    I want to ask if you could tell some links for a tools to buy, so maybe I could buy something right now because the shipping wont be the next day.
    So thanks for this course I can't wait to start.
    It is possible to save your videos for latter? I will this year on a building project and I won’t have a lot of time for shoes, but I would like to practice shoe design more latter.

    1. Hi,thank you for registration.
      At first you can buy skiving knife for . I just shared a good source for it on shoemaking & creative community, no affiliate interest, just good knifes and the cheapest prices. Also you must have lasts, cemented contact glue, top line cord for reinforcing the seam, adhesive tape, cutting board, hummer, lasting pincers,lasting tacks.If you search it on internet you can find many webs that sell it,so I suggest to look them locally. I don't know where you from,but you welcome to join our community. It's a good chance you will find a neighbor with a good resource lead.

      Lessons will be available only on the membership site.

    2. What weight leather and lining do you suggest? Also, soling preferences?

    3. Thanks for the answer; now I have a little time to collect this so I will be ready.
      I'm from Slovenia...
      I just remember I want to learn first the basic stuff, so I could work from there and then I would like to learn how to resize the paper pattern for different sizes.

    4. I've been sewing my uppers on a home sewing machine without a problem

  10. Hi Sveta,

    I just registered and would like to start with the last, basic patterns and work up from there.

  11. i just registered and would like the advanced course

  12. Definitely the beginners course and also in the order that you put on your blog please. Introduction, basic patter, ballerina and then pumps.
    I want to learn EVERYTHING and miss out on any details. Soooo excited!!!

    1. Yesss! I am excited too! Thanks a lot! I forgot to mention but the beginner lessons will be set as they are, more will be added.

  13. Hello,I registered and I'd like to participate to the advanced course please. Many Thanks, Christian.

  14. I just registered and would like to start with the basic course!
    cathy voight

  15. i register and want the beginners course. koko

  16. Hi! I just registered and I think I need to start witht the beginning course. But I might follow along witht the advanced too. Thanks! Amber Cady

  17. I just registered and I want to start with the beginning course!
    Nicole Fleming

  18. Hi, I just registered and I want the advance course! Thank you.


  19. I signed up Monday but don't think I completed the regelation .now for my third attempt please sign me up for the beginner course. Looking forward to it thanks, mike

  20. Please sign me up for the beginner course.

  21. Definitely all of the above, from basics and beyond.... thank you for offering this course....we can save bespoke and redefine a long time running industry. Designers strap on you thimbles and smocks... we're goin to work.

  22. All of the above and beyond .... let's give bespoke some new legs

  23. I just register and want to start with the beginner course

  24. Hi,

    I want to register but I have a few questions:
    -will you send a monthly invoice or do we pay the entire fee at once?
    -is it possible to unregister if we want to quit?

    I'd be interested in the advanced course, even though I'll have a look at the beginners course as well because it never hurts to repeat the basics

    1. Hi,
      Good questions! The fee will be monthly and sure you can quit.
      As I mentioned this before all the courses will be open to all registered users so when you feel ready, you can jump in. I even encourege you to do so, because the courses will be based on already poblished courses (just like in school :).


  25. Thank you for your answers, Sveta. I registered and can't wait for the courses to start.

  26. Hey Sveta!
    I would love to register, but I also have a few questions. You say that the lessons are based on each other which obviously makes sense. However, it sounds like you won't be able to go back ot other, older lessons? Like, can I register in a month and then watch the first lessons or will that not work? Can lessons only be watched once? I'm studying to be a doctor and busy as hell, so I might have long intervals between lessons. Would it be possible to go back and watch a lesson from three weeks ago for example? I would really appreciate your reply. Thanks!

    1. Hi Naomi,
      Everyone who is register to the courses will be able to see the previous lessons and they will be available to him anytime. So you can examine yourself with any lessons that already been added.
      Hopes it makes it clear now.

  27. Hi, I just registered.
    I should choose one I would take the advanced course, but never dismiss beginners course. It’s excellent we can access both. I am really interested about everything regarding design and construction/customization of lasts, heels and platforms. Thank you!

  28. I want to register youre online courses. But first of all I have to know that, how youre online courses work? Is there an exact time period for registering ( for example 16 september) or am I registering whenever I want to attend after my payment?

    1. The courses are online, but not a live stream or something like this, it's more like if you know that website. You can join whenever you like, and you can see the courses that is already on the platform on the home page
      and each week more lessons are added.
      The both levels lessons are available to you at any time. To register visit the register page.

  29. I want to register youre online courses. But first of all I have to know that, how youre online courses work? Is there an exact time period for registering ( for example 16 september) or am I registering whenever I want to attend after my payment?

  30. This is a new info for me. If this kind of course is there then it is really a nice opportunity for those who want to become a businessman. I am also intrastate for this.

    Thanks for posting...

    1. It is true! and you can look them out at


I want to hear what you have to say, please comment and share your creative side.