
Jul 10, 2013

Day 3 : How To Transform Your Sandal Last Into Platform Sandal Last

Today is the third day of our marathon and the theme of the day is : How to convert sandal last into a platform last.    
 The sole surface of the platform last is always must be flat, it doesn't have curves which are true, as our foot has them and so as most of lasts. Therefore, to work with platform you must have a special last with flat bottom. In today's tutorial I will show you how any shoe (I show an example of sandal last) can be transformed into a last for platform shoes.

1. Note the curve, which is on the last, which I mentioned before. 

2. Now this curve should be removed, that is to make a flat surface of the sole. For this, I must grind the bottom of the last with a file, holding the hand 90 degrees straight so the grinding will be even through the all surface, so you wouldn't get one edge of the last lower than the other. So grind slowly and constantly check if it's even by applying the ruler to the last as shown in the picture below.

3. Once you see that the line is straight across the surface of the sole, it means that you have reached your goal and removed the curve from the sole. 

4. Now the last fit perfectly on the platform, there are no gaps between the platform and the last, as it would be if we have used ordinary last. This way the lasted sandal on wrong last will not fit, and will be loose. 

5. Since we removed the curve on the sandal last , we reduced the total size of the last, and now it must be restored so the sandal will not squeeze the foot in the instep. To do this, in area C

we need to paste a piece of thick leather that will restore the necessary volume to the sandal last. But remember after you glue it to the area C, you must grind the leather edges so that they won't stick out, and will visually continue the last contour.

Here I showed you how to adjust the sandal last to make a platform shoes, but you can do it with any last that will fit your design for platform shoes.

See you tomorrow.

Sveta Kletina

Now here is the question  if you have only two lasts, derby last and sandal last, which one you will cut off?


  1. Gracias por sus aportes Dios te guarde

  2. Muchas gracias por sus aportes me motivan a continuar en mi trabajo y metas Dios te guarde y multiplique.


I want to hear what you have to say, please comment and share your creative side.