
Mar 12, 2013

Why is it important to know how to make the classic model of shoes?

When I studied at the Art Academy in Jerusalem, I was very fond of classical drawing lessons, because I understood that in the future  for  me to be able to draw any of  my fantasy figure, I must first learn the basics. So, in whatever  you touch upon, in any field, you must first learn the basics of the subject, in which you would like to achieve perfection. At the shoe craftsmanship such a basis, in my opinion, is the study of all the classic shoe models based on which you can make any shoe.

So to be a designer that is not only "creates" and by that I mean "makes a pretty drawing on a paper", but also can really make any of his ideas, it is important to know the construction of the classic shoe models. While I personally have never made any classic model of shoes (in a his "clean definition") in my own collections
, I have all my models designed only because my knowledge on how to structure classic models of shoes. Those  models as they are, in terms of design, don't interest me, but the knowledge of their design gives me the freedom to create. They, like the alphabet, for those who wish to be a writer.

So in my blog I will show you how to build the basic classic models and from there you can do any other shoes, and that is what I personally like the most. In this post I will show you how to build a derby with a buckle based on the classical model of derby, with laces. The upper pattern is changed, instead of laces buckle is placed, and structure of points A, C, D, M, F stays the same. Since you can adjust the girth with a buckle, the stopper can be at point D. Side lines of derby with buckles are symmetrical, as in the derby with laces. This model can be modified adding cutout in the toe (see here. "Flat Women Peep Toe Shoes") or add a line moccasin (See the, "Penny Loafer full guide".) In the inner side of lining, add the buckle strap as well , and everything else is built as the derby with laces.


Here's how, based on the classic model of  Derby you can make a few more models. And this is just a drop in the ocean of opportunities in shoe design basing on classic models.
If you have further questions, please comment below. If you made your derby already and want to share your success, then please send me a photo of your shoes and I'll put it on my blog ..

Please, feel free to write, comment share and don't forget to join my email list.

 Have a nice, creative week.


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