
May 21, 2014

Old Shoemaking Tutorial But New Me

I received an email this week from one of this blog readers. He sow one of my many free videos that I have on my YouTube channel , but got little bit confused. Well, the videos are long, I know, and you really need to be patient, I guess!
What can I say, it was made something like two or three years ago. I was just starting this blog and all I wanted to do is to share information and I did. You welcome to watch all the 40 free videos from my channel .
But I do understand his difficulty, especially as back then I had a huge fear to overcome, to record my voice on the videos, not even to film myself but just to talk in those videos was terrifying  for me. First of all, English is not my native language and it is really hard sometimes to express yourself, so I preferred to place a music, which many of you complimented me about and to add text, just to make things understood.
Time have passed and I followed my passion and it is almost 8 months now, since I started Shoemaking Courses Online. My confidence grown, my ability to be in front of the camera, and not to die, because that is pretty much what I thought will be, turned out to be great experience of my life.   

So now, going back to what I have already done, the least that I can do is to try and fix some of those videos. Today, I present to you short video tutorial, from my full, 1 hour tutorial on How to make shoes: making pattern with folds, "How to transfer shoe pattern from the last to the cardboard". 
Yes, it is in normal speed and what a surprise I explain everything myself. Enjoy, and comment below if you had a fear to overcome and how you did it?

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